Abstract: Dictionaries are concrete resources that contain the vocabulary of a language in an organized manner. In this study, dictionary studies in Kazakh Language since the time when Kazakhs joined the Russian territory with Kuchuk juz were examined and evaluated. For this purpose, the study mainly focuses on two main topics. First, general information about dictionaries (the purpose and function of the dictionary) and brief information will be given about the emergence of dictionaries; Secondly, the studies will be examined whıch carried out by Russian scientists in Kazakh lands. The bilingual (Kazakh-Russian/Russian-Kazakh) dictionaries created by the Russians after their arrival in Central Asia and the process of creating these dictionaries will also be discussed. Finally, the creation and emergence of Kazakh dictionaries (monolingual) by turning the spoken language into a written language will be evaluated in Kazakh Literary Language in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Kazakh Language, Monolingual Dictionary, Written Language, Lexicography.