Kinship terms are basic words in a language. These refer to the first, second and third degree proximity of people. The terms emphasized in the declaration are first degree kinship terms. The most important of these terms are the terms that mean the first person to point to the source of a community and the largest of a community. This term is different in every Turkish community. In fact, these terms are common in communities. These common terms are used differently in each community. In one case, the term meaning father is used in another to mean grandfather, in another, it is used to mean brother, and in another, it is used figuratively to mean ancestor. Another issue is the form these terms take in Turkish communities. The word "ata" in one word may take the form "tata" or "tate" in another. Again, the word ata can take the form of dada, dade, dede with the voiced consonant t, and it can also take the form of ede with the voiced vowel. Another noteworthy situation is that these terms are sometimes used as personal names and as the names of a community or tribe. This can be seen in the names of Turkish communities such as Tatar and Gagauz. In addition, the words gakkoş and dadaş, which are used to express some urban people in Turkey, are also usages that need to be evaluated in this regard. Words such as ökkeş, which are frequently used in some regions even though they do not refer to a community, are also words that should be evaluated regarding the subject. The study is also important in terms of clarifying the words that are discussed in terms of origin and etymology.
ancestor, grandfather, father, mother, dadash, gakkosh