The process of enriching the vocabulary is carried out by not only on ground of local dialects and word-building power but also by learning the borrowings. Throughout history, cultural, scientific, political and diplomatic relations between different peoples have reflected these relations in their languages. While conveying the words from one language into the other one process of learning is realized phonetically, grammatically and lexically. The words that passed to our vocabulary from Arabic language have been adopted by observing phonetic and orthographic rules and as a result of this they are privatized. In this process the borrowings mostly observe the grammar rules of our language, while some categories lose their power. The words originally used as independent words become a suffix in our language, as words of derivative character are taken as simple ones. On the other hand, the borrowings having required citizenship in our vocabulary take local suffixes and create new derivative words. But lexical mastering goes in two ways, some are adopted absolutely, the others with some change in the meaning.
Turkic world, Arabic language, borrowing.