

The formation of the Sufi direction of Hurufism founded by Fazlullah Naimi, more than various philosophical and mystical treatises, had an undeniable and lasting influence on the works of Mevlana. Among the authors who mentioned this great thinker with respect and alluded to him through various poetic figures, Nesimi stands out especially. The name of Mevlana is mentioned for various purposes in the memoirs of Fazlullah, referring to him in the works of the same name Habname by Nafaji and Seyyid Ishak, in the Turabname by Seyyid Ishak and Bayanul-vage by Mir Sharif, as well as in several other treatises by anonymous authors of Hurufism. The mentioned authors referred to the statements of Mevlana to substantiate the truth of their words. They considered his mystical-poetic works a reliable source that allowed them to increase the significance of their words. It's very important to draw attention to this issue to study the Mevlana-Fazlullah line to identify Mevlana’s great influence on the history of sects. This is also a reliable answer to those who present Sufism and Hurufism as separate currents of philosophical thought of the Middle Ages.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Hurufism, Mevlana, Fazlullah, reminder verses, quotes
