

Tercüman newspaper, as it is known, is a Turkish-Russian newspaper published in Crimea by Gaspirali Ismail Bey. For thirty-five years, Tercüman newspaper has performed extraordinary services in awakening Russian Muslims and Russian Turks and bringing them to modern world civilization. The newspaper, which was greatly influential in the modernization of Muslim Turks in Russia with its domestic and foreign news and articles on education and literature, stated its purpose in 1886 as "to serve the spiritual and material benefits of the people of Islam living in the country of Russia". explained. Although Gaspirali, who knew the Idil-Ural and Turkestan Turkish dialects well, used words and expressions from Northwest Turkish from time to time, the newspaper was published in Turkey Turkish, not in a hybrid Turkish, as some claim. In Tercüman, which spreads from Bulgaria to East Turkestan, it is seen that words common to dialects and words belonging to Western Turkish and Eastern Turkish are used side by side when necessary. A clear explanation and short sentences attract attention in the newspaper. Gaspirali's aim is for everyone to understand this language, "from the fisherman on the Bosphorus to the camel driver in Kashgar". Gaspirali, who had a conscious attitude towards language throughout the thirty-five years that the newspaper was published, tried to create a common literary language in the Turkish world and achieved greater success in this than expected. Âlem-i Sıbyân is the name of the magazine published by İsmail Gaspiralı as a supplement to the Tercüman newspaper in Bahçesaray, Crimea. Âlem-i Sıbyân, which means “World of Children” or as it is expressed in the magazine, “World of Sabians”, is a weekly magazine for school-age children. Âlem-i Sıbyân, the first children's magazine not only for the Turks in Crimea but also for the Turks in the entire Russian geography, was published weekly as a supplement to Tercüman at irregular intervals from March 1906 to 1915. In both the Tercüman newspaper and its supplement, Âlem-i Sıbyân magazine, a common written language was used to ensure understandability among Turkish communities, and words from different dialects were sometimes written in parentheses. In this paper, the inter-dialect equivalent words shown in parentheses in the Âlem-i Sıbyân magazine are discussed; The language or dialect to which these words belong has been determined.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Gaspirali İsmail Bey, Tercüman newspaper, Âlem-i Sıbyân, dialects, equivalence.
