The written language group of the Turkish language family called Oghuz Turkish includes Turkiye Turkish, Turkmen Turkish, Azerbaijani Turkish and Gagauz Turkish. Among these written languages, there are a limited number of comparative studies on Turkmen Turkish and Turkiye Turkish. Gerunds have an important place in the morphology of Turkish written languages. For this reason, some gerund suffixes (-(I)p, -mÄn and -dIk(I)çA), which are frequently used in both Turkiye Turkish and Turkmen Turkish, mostly expressing style, state and immediacy, are emphasised. In the study, the important functions and usage features of these suffixes were tried to be determined. For this purpose, the work "Kakamdan Galan Miras" of Aman Aşırov, one of the writers of Turkmenistan Soviet period, was scanned and some gerunds were tried to be explained.
Turkmen Turkish, Turkiye Turkish, gerund suffixes, comparative analysis.