The situational-problematic task is a methodological resource actively used to update the content of the educational process in modern education. It means a task or a problem situation prepared in such a way as to stimulate students' analytical thinking, develop the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, contribute to the development of critical thinking and independence. It can be said that situational-problematic tasks are a teaching method that actively engages students in solving conditional specific tasks or situations. In the learning process, the use of situational-problematic tasks and situations, that is, problems, is very effective for stimulating learning activity and developing students' critical thinking. Problem-solving tasks and various problems can be used to introduce students to a new topic or concept. Presenting a real or hypothetical situation related to a topic helps learners see its practical application and motivates them to learn new information. Situation-problem tasks are an effective teaching tool that allows learners to apply their knowledge and skills to specific problems. A situational-problematic task is a problem or question that requires a solution. Situational-problem tasks often present complex tasks that challenge learners to solve problems using their knowledge, skills, and creativity.
Situational-Problematic Task, Methodological Resource, Analytical Thinking, Learner, Teaching Method